Ace Yap


Ace Yap

Founder & CEO

"Fully Understand Why Problems SME Businesses Are Facing And Assist Them To Expand And Grow"

Ace is a multi business entrepreneurship starting every business with zero funding Starting from logistic and warehousing all the way to cleaning services & corporate gift manufacturing. Ace have 12 years of business management experience and believe expanding a business does not equate to using a lot of money. His strength is to build strong foundations for brand and deliver results even for Start-ups. 

Currently, Ace have more than 120 partners including venture capitalist, lawyers, accountants and 
lead a team of lead-generating professionals. He assisted multiple companies in cross border business expansion and helped an local startup to grow from zero dollar overseas sales to 2.8million usd in 3 years. 

With the wealth of experience in SME businesses Ace acquired, he fully understand what problem SME business are facing and assistance require to expand and grow. Ace is also responsible for MAXA International Consultancy overall direction, strategic planning, practical solution to SME.