Expand Your Business Globally With Assurance

You can now expand your business overseas without:

1. Worries about laws, taxes & compliance
2. Worries about culture differences & consumer behaviour
3. Worries about competitors & differentiation
4. Worries about costs & cash flow
5. Worries about the time investment & over-stretching yourself
6. Worries about lack of network & connections

Since 2015, we’ve helped over 80 companies in Singapore to scale their sales in overseas markets while helping them avoid the 6 worries listed above. Our wealth of experience, combined with a …..

Collectively, our clients have generated over 30million dollars in revenue as a result of working with us. 

This competency brings confidence. Confidence that we can help you achieve your business internationalisation goals. 

Our Expertise

Governance, Legal & Compliance
Overseas Marketing & PR
Overseas Trade Fairs & Events
Business Advisory
Business Matching
Business Support

Think Global
Think Maxa

Why Work With Us?

Because we’ve dedicated ourselves to being the best global expansion consulting firm for you and your business.

We’ve invested millions of dollars, and years of researching markets, collating data, establishing infrastructure and building partnerships . We’ve made all the mistakes, and spent our resources to know what works, so you don’t have to. 

Today, Maxa is:

60 Staff Worldwide
20 Business Advisors With Wealth Of Experience
13 Head Offices Around The Globe
600,000+ Partners, Distributors & Retailers Worldwide
30 Million+ Combined Revenue Generated For Our Clients

When you engage us, you engage a global team of experts dedicated to making your overseas venture a resounding success.

11business matching

Happy Clients


Countries Covered


Global Partners


Clients' Revenue

Schedule Your Appointment With Us Today